Casual 12

Top 10 Spieler

Rang Name Punkte Dörfer
1 tmp11433 [Druids] 6.149.117 646
2 Shadowfury [Druids] 3.249.908 327
3 -Zero Cool [Druids] 2.893.395 303
4 Whinny the Pooh [Druids] 2.781.009 253
5 Rattlesnake. [Druids] 2.235.579 212
6 Eat Sleep Farm Repeat [Druids] 1.734.845 173
7 Synlar [Druids] 1.421.664 151
8 The Clam Guy [Druids] 1.335.853 130
9 Ownager [Druids] 1.122.301 107
10 il bulletto [Legion] 967.891 92

Top 10 Stämme

Rang Name Tag Punkte Mitglieder Dörfer
1 Druids Druids 23.590.556 10 2.366
2 Knights in Motion K.I.M. 4.178.330 7 450
3 -Knights in Motion- KIMMY 2.117.894 9 219
4 XX Valeria Victrix Legion 1.689.924 9 173
5 The Ghost Wizards TGW 1.243.486 9 143
6 Second2None KIM!S2 1.069.310 8 115
7 **FIERCE** FER 628.231 8 68
8 Art of Defence AoD 132.124 2 21
9 CerealKillers ~CK~ 110.381 1 11
10 Want To Quit QUIT 106.779 2 11