World 90

Top 10 player

Rank Name Points Villages
1 Darkz00R [Roma] 12.604.647 1.054
2 Patrykana [Roma] 10.179.961 837
3 razvan.dm23 [Roma] 9.205.215 730
4 Best boboo [Roma] 4.898.080 473
5 .Unbroken. [Roma] 4.775.636 400
6 Arramia. [Cine?] 3.936.163 451
7 coolx [Roma] 3.902.882 313
8 KODO [Roma] 3.844.537 323
9 MileyC [Roma] 3.616.702 354
10 radulyny [R-CYRE] 3.588.859 318

Top 10 tribe

Rank Name Tag Points Members Villages
1 Roma Roma 130.937.130 60 11.885
2 Legiunea a-III-a Cyrenaica R-CYRE 39.949.447 50 4.039
3 Nu stiu, n-am vazut nimic Cine? 17.129.383 25 1.913
4 Legiunea a VIII-a Augusta R-AUG 16.040.004 45 1.789
5 Legiunea I Germanica R-GERM 15.392.649 47 1.799
6 The Vikings VIKING 4.922.522 37 636
7 ROYAL ROY 3.738.335 42 529
8 Rocco Sifredi Bunga 2.402.532 1 252
9 The Sith Lords TSL 1.914.496 22 300
10 Steag. Steag 178.224 20 56