Casual 14

Top 10 Spieler

Rang Name Punkte Dörfer
1 Sniping With Axes [TLS] 3.256.286 308
2 tangerine [TLS] 3.174.837 331
3 dronaz [TLS] 2.511.229 250
4 Unorthodox. [TLS] 1.865.040 196
5 Whinny the Pooh [TLS] 1.692.947 170
6 Squirtle The Turtle [TLS] 1.631.480 160
7 Bamsi [TLS] 1.627.880 174
8 AQUAEL [TLS] 1.444.469 147
9 jonodriller [TLS] 1.337.565 142
10 Black Demon [TLS] 1.145.921 121

Top 10 Stämme

Rang Name Tag Punkte Mitglieder Dörfer
1 The Last Supper TLS 33.488.861 30 3.398
2 Underdogs DOGS 3.341.253 17 350
3 ~CONQUEST~ ~CQ~ 1.190.972 27 131
4 Friends FRD 617.260 14 71
5 Flags Flags 465.607 15 51
6 Barb Munchers United BUM 384.562 5 42
7 You Shall Not Past YSNP 309.558 10 41
8 tortuga tot 76.527 9 11
9 Thats All Folks TAF 47.321 1 6
10 +KNIGHTS OF CAMELOT+ +KN+ 46.918 13 13