World 138

Top 10 player

Rank Name Points Villages
1 Kirderf [TLD] 32.068.712 2.940
2 Lucky Ryu [Idiots] 20.384.131 1.986
3 Back Line Trash [Idiots] 19.879.211 1.704
4 Your Side -TH- [TLD] 18.847.660 1.609
5 Omg a fish [Idiots] 18.734.189 1.671
6 Unlimited Supplies [TLD] 18.223.275 1.698
7 KJ11 [TLD] 17.733.499 1.516
8 Idiot Savant [Idiots] 17.397.658 1.471
9 killersodur [Idiots] 16.697.236 1.527
10 Tuff Muff [Idiots] 15.711.948 1.492

Top 10 tribe

Rank Name Tag Points Members Villages
1 Badge For Idiots Idiots 310.520.329 25 28.929
2 The Last Dance TLD 248.944.983 25 23.144
3 No Badges for Idiots NoId 35.055.700 14 3.466
4 Devil's dance floor DDF 12.097.077 8 1.208
5 Viking VIKING 1.344.555 2 135
6 Ticket Wars T_W 437.838 8 90
7 betrayer TLDTLD 391.187 1 40
8 The Antidote AD 119.813 3 19
9 Rohan Rohan 100.938 7 16
10 Bored at Work BaW 88.319 1 9