Welt 143

Top 10 Spieler

Rang Name Punkte Dörfer
1 Avallach [|P|] 631.464 83
2 bobby4321 [SGS] 537.883 86
3 Killer willard [|P|] 492.767 91
4 *STATS [SNITCH] 488.010 85
5 The Roman Empire [|P|] 394.100 61
6 DarkShepherd [SNITCH] 393.104 77
7 The Hive Queen [|P|] 379.573 68
8 Gordon Ramsay [|P|] 366.164 47
9 Mikha Cristy [Drink] 346.258 70
10 georgerose [SNITCH] 341.726 51

Top 10 Stämme

Rang Name Tag Punkte Mitglieder Dörfer
1 Phalanx |P| 4.842.483 20 756
2 Pour Decisions Drink 4.173.226 20 743
3 Snitches get Stitches SNITCH 3.854.432 20 662
4 Lust of the Caffeinated COFFEE 3.334.824 20 565
5 Artificial Intelligence AI 1.813.434 20 301
6 Axe Delivery Service ADS 1.678.698 19 415
7 Gluttony of the Caffeinated C0FFEE 1.603.086 20 297
8 Envy of the Caffeinated COFF33 1.589.400 20 296
9 Pour Decisions2 Drink2 1.345.289 20 245
10 Snitched SGS 1.133.200 11 220