World 81

Top 10 player

Rank Name Points Villages
1 Rang 1 Account [Hypa] 10.327.878 859
2 Yodax [Hypa] 9.020.436 835
3 lLink [Hypa] 7.756.029 671
4 Gerard der Barmherzige [Hypa] 5.387.980 533
5 ..madness.. [Hypa] 4.759.525 457
6 toxicaly [-Crew-] 3.937.751 408
7 sixpoh [Hypa] 3.882.054 371
8 Brocco-Lee [Hypa] 2.953.360 300
9 Donkevino [Hypa] 2.377.198 244
10 Skunk [BOYS] 1.375.108 130

Top 10 tribe

Rank Name Tag Points Members Villages
1 Tekkno Train Hypa 46.474.975 8 4.270
2 Strohhut-Piratenbande 2.0 -Crew- 4.594.396 2 472
3 Gartenhaus GH 4.301.274 8 480
4 The Boys BOYS 3.075.937 6 318
5 Shüsh SH 2.224.871 8 263
6 Snitchville Snitch 1.008.514 6 107
7 Switzerland CH 705.781 5 88
8 East Clear Solution GmBH *GmbH* 572.167 1 57
9 Here for The PP 426.142 3 70
10 never give up nev 412.541 1 50