Casual 9

Top 10 player

Rank Name Points Villages
1 Lion 1 [SaD] 19.845.351 2.009
2 Achilles98.7 [SaD] 15.169.261 1.352
3 enso [CaD] 12.636.185 1.179
4 Monkey of war [SaD] 10.869.770 920
5 Skyair [SaD] 10.198.367 1.051
6 Mo03 [SaD] 10.102.630 883
7 P4pierFlieger [SaD] 9.851.409 819
8 Deja Vu [SaD] 9.773.183 955
9 FlashBang* [DLNW] 9.121.037 753
10 thecrow09 [SaD] 8.714.298 712

Top 10 tribe

Rank Name Tag Points Members Villages
1 Smile and Die SaD 260.747.329 40 25.092
2 Stamm 1 S1 80.451.052 30 7.805
3 Wake up Call WakeUp 63.102.648 39 6.297
4 Cry and Die CaD 44.290.130 24 4.436
5 Die letzte neue Welt DLNW 43.829.897 22 4.362
6 back to the roots bTTr! 22.386.852 25 2.277
7 We are One WaO 16.591.307 25 1.760
8 Stamm 2 S2 15.885.174 19 1.634
9 Not Found 404 8.609.847 30 878
10 Problem? ??? 4.410.072 31 460