World 228

Top 10 player

Rank Name Points Villages
1 amanak [24/7] 5.400.224 501
2 Ken KanekiX3 [24/7] 4.573.406 448
3 Bobsterlx [Yyyy] 4.300.035 364
4 DieseZwei [Xxxx] 4.293.995 441
5 Brauntown [24/7] 4.241.959 411
6 LarbaXschlumpf [Yyyy] 4.126.734 424
7 NBKiwi [Xxxx] 3.959.014 336
8 FS4L3X [24/7] 3.916.740 374
9 Plague Doctor [Yyyy] 3.872.239 336
10 diedadu [Yyyy] 3.790.126 390

Top 10 tribe

Rank Name Tag Points Members Villages
1 24/7 24/7 56.050.883 18 5.396
2 Y-Chromosom Yyyy 39.853.583 15 3.911
3 X-Chromosom Xxxx 32.888.583 15 3.212
4 Die Mongolen *DM* 5.462.992 13 631
5 Platzhalter Neu 4.271.212 13 575
6 4/20 420 4.158.763 9 447
7 Liberty or Death Lord 3.598.531 3 361
8 Chapo and Phil and Friends CPF 2.494.172 10 295
9 Worms **W** 2.267.805 4 263
10 Chromosom-Salat XY 2.238.187 5 234